15 February 2009

"Girlfriends" Around the World

Today Courtney preached in translation, and I lead worship in Latvian - well, I tried to that is.

See, I have done it before, and found the congregation patient with me. They are kind of used to my Latvian by now. Granted, services are shorter because I just can't say as much in transition or prayers, yet the 'less is more' theory holds true.

This particular congregation has a candelabra with four candles, and each week they light the candles remembering and praying for other congregations throughout the global body. Today as we were saying prayers, I decided to expand upon the lighting of these 'congregational' candles. I didn't really notice the strange looks - or maybe I subconsciously mistook them as responses to the wax I dripped everywhere.

After the service the wonderful pianist approached me - and then at least three or four more people after her - to help me a bit with my Latvian. I added one syllable too many while speaking, and, apparently, I invited the congregation to pray for "my girlfriends" - rather than "our congregations" - in the UK, Norway, the US, and Denmark. Graciously each said, "Don't worry. While it caught me off-guard at first, I understood what you were trying to say."

Court and I had a good laugh about it, and we hope it might make you smile.

PEACE - dan and court

1 comment:

  1. Dan,

    This reminds me of a funny story about my dad. When he first got to France, his French was not all that great and at that time he had been a pastor for a couple of years. So one day he was preaching at Vincennes (where we used to live) and comes the time for prayer well instead of praying for the victims of hunger (victime de la faim) he prayed for the victims of women (victime de la femme). My mom and dad, as well as ma y people in the congregation had a good laugh about it.
    Anyway, I just thought I would share that story if I hadn't already a couple of years ago.

    I hope you are both doing well. "May God Bless you and Keep you." ;o)

