Two weeks from this moment (17.Dec. 5.20am) we will find ourselves in the Riga airport saying goodbye to Latvia.
We have spent the last two months in serious prayer and discernment, and we believe God is calling us on from Latvia at this point in time - to where and for what we do not know. We believe this is the most faithful decision we can make. We do know that we will spend Christmas with Courtney's family in Portland, which is where her sister lives. After that, well...
The book of Numbers (ch.9) tells of a cloud pillar that guided Israel in their journey to the Promise Land. The cloud would settle, and they would settle. The cloud would lift and move, and they would pack up and move. The text does not tell us anything about their response beyond obedience. Yet I can imagine the voices. (Maybe because in part we are all of us Israel journeying on to a promise, yet with our own thoughts, plans, virtues and vices.) "Can we move on already, why are we still here?" "What do you mean we have to move we just got settled and familiar with the surroundings?" "Can't we stop? I'm tired." "Yes, another day in this place." "Woohoo, it's time to get moving!" etc...
Proverbs 3:5 advises, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not rely on your own understanding."
Isaiah 55 reminds us of an aspect of God: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways above your ways and My thoughts beyond your thoughts."
We do not know to where we are going, yet we firmly believe that God is faithful and good. We will attempt to continue the blog with random thoughts and also future plans.
Please pray that we can transition well and that we can worship in this time.